In order to celebrate the 59th Anniversary of Gadjah Mada University, GMU will hold GMU Research week from the 26th to 31st of August 2008, at Graha Sabha Pramana. Below is the agenda. Seminar of inter cluster research results : 26
Yogyakarta 26 August 2008
In order to celebrate the 59th Anniversary of Gadjah Mada University, GMU will hold GMU Research week from the 26th to 31st of August 2008, at Graha Sabha Pramana. Below is the agenda. Seminar of inter cluster research results : 26
Yogyakarta 02 August 2008
Statistically, compared to man, women are more accurate, patient and responsible in work, however, they do not have enough bravely to take risks in decision making –Prof. Dr. Retno Sunarminingsih, M.Sc., Apt.-
Yogyakarta 27 June 2008
Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (CRCS) UGM in collaboration with Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies (ICRS-Yogya) conduct an International Conference on "Globalization: Challenge and Opportunity for Religions". The conference will be held on: Date : Monday-Thrusday, 1-3 July 2008 Venue :
Yogyakarta 04 June 2008
Below are the requirements, which should be considered by the applicants. The applicant should fill the registration form and enclose: Copy of the applicant's undergraduate degree certificate and academic transcript. Two recommendation letters from someone who can attest to the applicant's academic