Jogja SpsUGM (24/3/2021) UGM Graduate School once again held the 11th International Graduate Student and Scholars Conference in Indonesia (IGSSCI) and was held for 2 days, 24-25 March 2021 with the theme "Culture, Technology, and Social Transformation in Indonesia. the Quest for Human Dignity. "
The first speaker, Philip Vermonte Ph.D (keynote speaker) and Plennary session by 3 speakers, Maharani Hapsari Ph. D (Gadjah Mada University), Assoc. Professor Zeeda Muhammad, (University of Malaya, Malaysia), and Fachkruddin Majeri Mangunjaya, Ph.D (National University) continued with the second agenda was a parallel session consisting of paper presentation from each presenter divided into 4 panels.
This event was opened by the Rector of UGM, in his remarks Prof. Ir Panut Mulyono M. Eng said that the meaning of the theme raised in this IGSSCI event is a form of relevance to contribute to facing a pandemic and he hopes that the paper produced by the researcher can be an academic reference to answer various problems caused by the pandemic.
Meanwhile, the keynote Speaker Philip Vermonte Ph.D in his presentation said that there are 3 important points that need to be done in order to minimize the impact of a pandemic, the first is that the government needs to increase its capabilities to be able to act quickly to face pandemic conditions, this is proven by several democratic countries to do so as Taiwan, Singapore, and Japan, these countries can be said to be successful in dealing with the pandemic because of their culture and disciplined governance and large capacity of research resources.
Second, the government needs to intervene for technology acceleration during the pandemic, especially in the field of education and health services, and the third is the lack of a research culture so that Indonesia needs to improve, seen from the RnD (Research and development) ratio, Indonesia only has a ratio of 0.226 percent and is low in comparison. Countries in East Asia that have a high ratio and are considered successful in controlling the pandemic, such as South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China and Singapore.
The event, which was divided into two core agendas, was attended by around 130 participants from various backgrounds, both domestic and foreign. (SPs / Sefty / arni)