Interests Study Environmental Management
UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADADescription of Study Program
The Master of Environmental Management Program is a graduate education program which based on “Inter Field” study. This program was formed based on the fact of complexity of environmental problems in Indonesia, both physical environmental problems (abiotic), biological environmental problems (biotic), and social culture environmental problems (culture). Every problem in this earth always related to and affect its other environmental components. This is because each of the components of the environment is independent, interacting, and influencing upon. While the existing human resources in this country, yet many are profesionally capable of handling the environmental problems in an integrated and sustainable. Therefore a more comprehensive and integrated study is needed in dealing with environmental problems.
The Graduate School Facuilty, Universitas Gadjah Mada tried to take a role to instigate this, because of the environment interes. Through an ecological, spatial, and complex regional approach, this intitution established a master program oriented to produce graduates with a Master’s degree, with moral integrity and high personality, responsible, critical, and responsive to various phenomena and environmental problems in a professional manner, and has expertise in developing databases and environmental information system as a basis for the formulation of environmental management strategy, which is integrated, environmentally friendly, sustainable, community based, while still concidering the wisdom of local culture to preserve environmental functions.
Through the Temporary Decree of Academic Senate of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Number: 147/SAS/2001, October 9th, 2001, which is further sthrengtened by the Decree of the Chancellor of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Number: 94/P/SK/HTL/2001, October 22th, 2001, then it was agreed that the Environmental Management Masters Program would be held.BACKGROUND
The main characteristics that become the highlights of MPL study interest is an ecological study approach to solve a complex environmental problems, which should involves different diciplines or interdiciplinary. Solving environmental problems remains in cross-diciplineary corridord (multi-diciplinary, inter-diciplinary, and trans-diciplinary), with the substance of the main object of environmental components of abiotic, biotic, and cultural, which are ecologically related to one another as a holistic-comprehensive and inseparable from one another.
Professional human resources in managing environment are very neessary in this globalization era which is full of competition. Good environmental protection and management can increase profits for the government or company with eco-efficiency which can improve economical and ecological efficiency. Through the act of eco-efficiency, it is expected thet economic benefits will increase and conversely the negative impact on the environment will decrease. On the basis of these considerations, professional environmental management experts are needed.
Environmental protection and management intended in above context refers to the Law of the Republic Indonesia Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management, in Chapter I Article 1 point 2, states that:
“Protection and Management of the Environmental is a systematic and integrated effort carried out to preserve environmental functions and prevent the occurence of pollution and/ or environmental damage which includes planning, utilization, control, maintenance, supervision, and law enforcement.”
Furthermore, the definition of protection and management of the environment is used as a basic concept of thinking and become the mainscope of the study of interest in MPL studies, which emphasizes more on the study of professionalism in the protection and management of the environmental and natural resources.AIM
Program Master of Environmental Management (MPL) UGM aims to prepare professional experts in the protection and environmental management quality, forward –minded and global (visionary), have high morality, prioritize the interest of the nation and state, have excellence, and able to compete nationally and internationally.VISION AND MISSION
The vision of MPL is to become a center study of Environmental Management which having professional quality, having forward-minded and global (visionary), having spirit of Pancasila and teh 1945 Constitution, having high morality and integrity, prioritizing the interests of the nation and state, and having competitive advantaged nationally and internationally.Mission of MPL studies are:
- To produce graduated (professional environmentalists) who have high excellence, intelligent, responsive, and competent in responding to various environmental problems quickly, accurately, responsibly, honesty, nationally and globally, and prioritize the interests of the nation and state above personal intersts or group;
- To explore and develop sustainable strategies and policies for environmental protection and management in accordance with national cultural treasures and local wisdom;
- To dovelop and improve continuously the quality of environmental education there are responsible, environmental ethics, adaptive, dynamic and environmentally friendly as a concern in the preservation and restoration of environmental functions;
- To establish a network of cooperative and collaborative cooperation with various stakeholders, both the general public, enterpreneurs, regional and central government agencies through the development of information systems and environmental management;
- To provide the alternative recommendations for a systematic and integrated strategies and policies on environmental protection and management among responsible institutions (leading sector) through analysis of the roles of inter-stakeholders or cross-sectoral.
Graduates target in Program Master of Environmental Management is to become a professional environmental expert who have the ability in teh following matters.- Professional Environmental Management Experts
- Environmental Researchers
- Environmental Managers
- Environmental Leaders
To develop the facilities and infrastructure of existing academics, Master of Environmental Management Program seeks cooperation with: Department of Home Affairs and Regional Autonomy, Department of Settlements and Regional Infrastructure, Department of Industry and Trade, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, Department of Manpower and Transmigration, Department of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, The Environmental Impact Management Agency (BAPEDAL), The National Land Agency, The National Survey and Mapping Coordinating Board (BAKOSURTANAL), also from National Private Agencies and Non-Government Organization (NGOs).Class List Offered & Duration
Academic activities in The Master of Environmental Management (MPL) UGM are held on the basis of Semester Credit Units (SKS) and carried out with a three semester pattern (18 months). Academic curriculum is packaged in the form of package courses, either through face-to-face classes, practive or fieldwork, and studio analysis. The total number of credits that must be taken to complete this program is 45 credits, 8 credits including thesis.EDUCATION CURRICULUM
- Semester 1 Package (Basic Knowledge: 18 credits)
- Ecology and Environmental Science
2 credits
- Environmental Research Method
4 credits
- Geoecology
3 credits
- Biogeochemistry
3 credits
- Law and Institutional Environment
2 credits
- Database and Environmental Mapping
4 credits
- Semester 2 Package (Expertise Development: 17 credits)
- Socio-cultural Environment
2 credits
- Administration and Environmental Audit
2 credits
- Environmental Economics
2 credits
- Health and Environmental Degradation
3 credits
- Remote Sensing and Environmental Information System
- credits
- Environmental Management
4 credits
- Semester 3 Package (Applied Expertise: 10 credits)
- Fieldwork
2 credits
- Thesis
8 credits
Program Master of Environmental management (MPL), Universitas Gadjah Mada has teaching staff with Professors, Doctors (PhD), and Masters from different diciplines of environmental science inside and outside Universitas Gadjah Mada. In the implementation of teaching and learning activities, this program is taught by 52 teaching staff. The teaching staff holds 10 Doctoral Professors, 15 Doctorates, and 27 Masters. To increase professionalism in environmental protection and management, each student will be equipped with special skills utilization and analysis of spatial data, such as remote sensing images and thematic maps, also mastery of software for spatial data analysis in the form of Geographic Information Systems guided by lecturers and reliable and professional assistants.List of Lecturers
Prof. Dr. Totok Gunawan, M.S.
Ecology and Environmental Science
Environmental Management
Environmental Research Method2
Dr. Langgeng Wahyu Santosa, M.Si.
Environmental Management
Environmental Research Method3
Dr. Sigit Herumurti, S.Si., M.Si.
Remote Sensing and Environmental Information System
Prof. Dr. Hartono, DEA, DESS
Remote Sensing and Environmental Information System
Prof. Dr. Sudarmadji, M.Eng.Sc
Health and Environmental Degradation
Prof. Dr. dr. Adi Heru Sutomo, M.Sc.
Health and Environmental Degradation
Dr. Slamet Suprayogi, M.S.
Health and Environmental Degradation
Prof. Dr. Tri Widodo, S.E., M.Ec.Dev.
Environmental Economics
Dr. Ir. Rini Widiati, M.S.
Environmental Economics
Dr. Ir. Latif Sahubawa, M.Si.
Environmental Economics
Dr. Suprapto Dibyosaputro, M.Sc.
Administration and Environmental Audit
Dr. Darmakusuma D., M.S.
Administration and Environmental Audit
Prof. Dr. Su Ritohardoyo, M.A.
Socio-cultural Environment
Dr. Agus Joko Pitoyo, M.A.
Socio-cultural Environment
Prof. Dr. Suwarno Hadisusanto, M.S.
Ecology and Environmental Science
Prof. Dr. Sunarto, M.S.
Prof. Dr. Sutikno
Dr. Eko Haryono, M.Si.
Dr. Tjahyo Nugroho Adji, M.Sc.Tech.
Prof. Dr. Bambang H. Sunarminto, SU.
Dr. Luthfi Muta’ali, MSP.
Law and Institutional Environment
Dr. Djoko Sukisno, S.H., CN.
Law and Institutional Environment
Dr. R. Suharyadi, M.Sc.
Database and Environmental Mapping
Bowo Susilo, S.Si., M.T. *)
Database and Environmental Mapping
- Behavior
High pressure on environmental values, environmental ethich, and local wisdom in environmental conservation
- Knowledge
- Understanding of environment science as multi-diciplinary and inter-diciplinary fields
- Understanding of environment science and technique in environment science and capable to develop according to condition and situation time
- Common Skill
- Capability to identify of environmental components to determine environmental degradation and - degree of environmental degradation
- Capable to apply environmental technique and method in arrangement of environmental management strategy and formulation of environmental management policy
- Capable to critical dan innovative thinking and also as professional worker as a leader or managerial in environmental solution
- Special Skill
- Capable to build environment database and Environment information systems with remote sensing based
- Capable to apply environment leadership principles in formulation of policy and strategy on environmental management as a base of regional development palnning
The student admission system refers to the system applied by Postgraduate Program Universitas Gadjah Mada. The terms of acceptance are:- A copy of the diploma and S-1 transcript that has been legalized;
- Certificate of study program accreditation at S-1 or equivalent level;
- Official English Proficiency Test Certificate from an institution recognized by UGM, DIKTI, IDP, IIEF, and academic potential test (TPA) from the institution by BAPPENAS, UGM, TKDA, HIMPSI dated the last 2 years;
- Letter of Recommendation from 2 parties/ lecturer who know the academic abilities of prospective applicants;
- Projection candidates in the S-2 program;
- Health certificate from the doctor;
- Permission letter from the agency/ institution at work;
- Certificate of study payment guarantee from the agency or statement of ability to own expenses (stamped Rp. 6,000).
More complete registration procedures can be seen through
This program is designed to be completed within 18 (eighteen) months. The tuition fee is set at Rp.44,000,000.00 (fourty four million rupiahs) paid by the system Tuition Single (UKT) per semester in the amount of Rp. 11,000,000.00 (eleven million rupiahs) for 4 semesters. Program Master of Environmental Management (MPL) UGM open registration 2 (two) times each year. Registration is opened at the beginning of each semester, which is detailed as follows:
ProcedureFirst Period
Second Period
Matriculation and Lectures
August (Lecture start on August)
February (Lecture start on February)
Question and information
INFORMATION- Secretariat of Master of Environmental Management Program
Graduate School Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta 55281
Tel. (0274) 545965, 0813 2858 5010
Fax. (0274) 545965- Prof. Dr. Totok Gunawan, M.S.
Chairperson of the MPL Program Dr. Langgeng Wahyu Santosa, M.Si
MPL Program Secretary Sigit Heru Murti Budi Santosa, M.Si.
Assistant for Financial Administration Septhia Adriati, S.H.
Financial Administration Sintawati Astari, S.E.
Academic Administration Faisal Arsad, A.Md.
Studio Coordinator