Study Program Tourism Studies
Master of Tourism Studies
- Description of the Study Program
a. History
Tourism develops rapidly in the 21th century. On one hand, it creates many opportunities for the communities and industry to acquire benefits from tourism. However, on the other hand, it also creates challenges and problems. The future global tourism market demands for the existence of the high value production of unique commodities and tends to neglect the mass tourism product. Also, the demand for qualified and competent human resources in tourism, either in government, industry, community or institution is getting high. The human resource needed in the tourism field is obliged to be able not only to comprehend the dynamics and complexity of tourism, but also to formulate the policy for the better tourism management and development. Nevertheless, in fact, the availability of such human resources is still inadequate. The comprehensive understanding on the tourism issues in detail and the ability to solve the problem is viewed as the main key to achieve a successful tourism management. Therefore, Master of Tourism Studies Program in Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada offers the courses to equip students with the integrated knowledge on the complexity of tourism phenomenon, management strategies and tourism development to accommodate issues on the future of tourism. This program is designed thoroughly and integrated in a supportive academic atmosphere.
b. Vision
Become a center of excellence in tourism science through research-based master program which becomes an international reference.
c. Mission
1. To develop an interdisciplinary tourism science by utilizing information technology;
2. To promote an excellent and contextual master degree program;
3. To conduct research collaboration on tourism with domestic and foreign institutions;
4. To increase scientific publications according to Tri Dharma of higher education through scientific journals and books;
5. To improve the quality of human resources and other institutional capacities supporting the learning process;
6. To establish the cooperation with alumni, national and international partners in supporting the development of study programs and alumni careers as a form of community services.d. Objective
The objectives of Master of Tourism Studies Program by 2022 are as follows:
1. Organizing high quality tertiary education to produce masters of tourism who are able to comprehend tourism theories comprehensively including the basics of research as the basis for developing science;
2. Conducting research in the field of tourism which is innovative and beneficial for improving the quality of learning as well as tourism and scientific publications;
3. Creating masters of tourism studies who are able to implement tourism development in various sectors, either in the community, industry or government;
4. Producing masters of tourism who are able to utilize information technology to build a network of tourism activities and conduct further Tourism Studies to create businesses;
5. Strengthening study program institution towards the realization of a center of excellence in tourism education;
6. Increasing networks and cooperation with alumni, national and international partners; and
7. Implementing an internationally certified Quality Assurance System.
e. The Committee
Head of Study Program:
Drs. Hendrie Adji Kusworo, M.Sc., Ph.D.Secretary of Study Program:
Dr. Tri Kuntoro Priyambodo, M.Sc.
Teaching Staff
1. Prof. Dr. M. Baiquni, MA
2. Dr, Tri Kuntoro Proyambodo, M.Sc
3. Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra, MA., M. Phil
4. Prof. Dr. Sudarmadji, M.Eng.Sc
5. Prof. Dr. Phil. Janianton Danamik, M.Si
6. Prof. Dr. Ir. Chafid Fandeli, MS
7. Dr. Ir. Djoko Wijono, M.Arch
8. Drs. Jhon Soeprihanto, MIM., Ph.D
9. Drs. Hendrie Adji Kuswomo, M.Sc
10. Dr. Yulia Arisnani Widyaningsih, MBA
11. Dr. Muhamad, MT
12. Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D.f. Curriculum
The curriculum of Master of Tourism Studies Program is designed independently based on the competency by following the principle of suitability and applicability. It means that the material provided in the classroom is applicable to the working world. It is beneficial for the graduates to compete in the tourism related workplace or handle tourism issues. Therefore, education material is divided into three stages, namely basic understanding, mastery of theory and methodology, and the ability to integrate theory and methodology in field research activities. The curriculum is divided into several basic subject groups such as an introduction to tourism studies, theories of tourism development, tourism management, research methodology, and the development of latest technology, as well as contemporary issues.
g. Alumni and Cooperation
Up to now, the existence of UGM alumni who are members of the Gadjah Mada Alumni Family (KAGAMA) has contributed significantly to the betterment of education at UGM broadly. Alumni networks spread throughout Indonesia provide benefits for the advancement and development of education. Meanwhile, Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada also has alumni data recap for each class and each study program. They are listed as the Alumni Family of the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAPASGAMA).
Master of Tourism Studies Program Universitas Gadjah Mada develops network and cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism, Center of Tourism Studies (PUSPAR), Tourism Office both at the Provincial and District levels. Besides, it also develops networks through seminars and workshops.
h. Learning Outcomes
The graduates of Master of Tourism Program Universitas Gadjah Mada is expected to possess these following competencies after completing the study
Main competence
- Ability to understand and elaborate the tourism systems, their components and linkages between each other component.
- Ability to provide alternative solutions to problems and obstacles of the tourism development.
- Ability to professionally develop one of the tourism subsystems.
- Possession of integrity (ethics and morals)
- Ability to be a leader
- Ability to work in teams
Supportive Competence
- Ability to manage and apply the concept of tourism development effectively and consistently.
- Ability to speak foreign languages
- Ability to use technology and information properly
Other Competence
- Ability to understand market trends and predict tourist needs according to the activities of tourism organizations or institutions.
- Ability to analyze tourism related issues using various theoretical approaches or empirical experiences and provide alternative solutions. This is also an indicator of a graduate's intellectual ability to comprehend and cultivate the world of tourism.
- Ability to accommodate social, cultural, economic and ecological aspects in the development of tourism which can be an input to the formulation of tourism policies
- Ability to manage tourism that is adaptive to the demands of sustainable tourism development which is a symbiosis of mutualism between optimizing tourist satisfaction, corporate profit orientation, community welfare and sustainable development
2. The list of courses offered including credits obtained, is prioritized for the Compulsory Courses and Elective Courses
SPSPW 6101
Dimension of Tourism Socio-Culture
SPSPW 6102
Ecology of Tourism
SPSPW 6103
Tourism Economic and Political Policy
SPSPW 6104
Management of Tourism Destination
SPSPW 6105
Information Technology of Tourism
SPSPW 6106
Tourism Human Resources Development
Semester II
SPSPW 6107
Tourism Research Methods
SPSPW 6108
Analysis on the Tourism Development Impacts
Semester III
SPSPW 6208
Seminar on Thesis Proposal
Semester IV
SPSPW 7120
Tourist Attraction Planning
SPSPW 7121
Community Based Tourism Development
SPSPW 7122
Tourism Promotion and Marketing
SPSPW 7123
Tourism Ethics
SPSPW 7124
Digital Tourism
SPSPW 7125
Ecotourism Entrepreneurship
SPSPW 7126
Tourism Market Research
3. Duration of the program offered, Information on current semester, Tuition fees per semester and scholarship info if available
Master of Tourism Studies Program offers at least 40 credits and a maximum of 52 credits scheduled for 4 (four) semesters and can be taken in less than 4 (four) semesters and at the latest 6 (six) semesters including thesis.
Information on current semester:
The academic year begins in August and ends in June, with the first semester running from early August to mid-January and the second from early February to late June.
Odd Semester (August-January)
Even Semester (February-July)Tuition fees can be seen through
Scholarship information can be seen through Specific requirements: None
5. General requirements: can be seen through
6. Registration Procedure: can be seen through
7. Important dates
The schedule for the UGM Semester Postgraduate Program Selection Period 2019/2020 can be seen through Questions and contacts
Master of Tourism Studies Program
Graduates School of Universitas Gadjah Mada
Graduates School of Universitas Gadjah Mada Main Building, 4th Floor
Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Sleman, Yogyakarta, 55281
Phone. +62 821-3467-0080 | 0274-564239 (ext.405)