Study Program National Resistance
- Short description
The National Resilience Study Program started in September 1989 under the auspices of the Postgraduate School of Gadjah Mada University, offers a Master of Science (M.Sc) (S-2). This study program is the result of collaboration among the National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas R.I.), Defense Department (Dephan R.I.) and Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta in 1989, which was later strengthened by a joint decision between the Minister of Defense and Security R.I. with the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Number: KEP/01/II/1998 and Number: 046 /U/1998 dated February 27, 1998. Based on the UGM Rector's Decree Number: 89/P/SK/HT/2006 concerning the Implementation of the Postgraduate Program, this Study Program was established as a Multidisciplinary Graduate Program. The National Resilience Study Program has the main objective to produce Masters of Science (M.Sc) who have intellectual, religious, humanist, nationalist, democratic, fair personality, and are able to create a climate of scientific research and development as well as to contribute useful knowledge for the development of community integration and Indonesian culture based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and human values in general. This program holds various titles including recognition of SGS ISO 9001-2008, as well as the predicate A value accreditation from BAN-PT in accordance with the Decree of the National Accreditation Board with Decree Number: 090/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/M/III/2015, on 14 March 2015 and the number of graduates almost reached 600 people.
- Vision of the National Resilience Study Program
The Vision of the Program of the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada is to become a Magister study program as a leading and excellent education center in the field of National Resilience oriented to the interests of the nation and state based on Pancasila by emphasizing the development of Pancasila moral leadership, cultural insight, people's spirit and independent.
With this vision, the National Resilience Study Program is expected to be able to create a climate of research and development in the next 5 years and be able to contribute useful knowledge for the development of community integration, Indonesian culture based on Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and human values in general.- Mission of the National Resilience Study Program
In order to realize the vision of the National Resilience Study Program above, the mission of the Program is as follows:
- Organizing quality graduate education in order to educate and empower the nation, maintain national integration and have international insight.
- Developing an educational program that is in accordance with the demands of the times and improves transparent and quality management on an ongoing basis.
- Developing quality research that supports education, advances in science and technology and art, and enrichment of national culture.
- Developing community service on the basis of social responsibility in the interests of the people.
- Developing sustainable cooperation with research institutions, government, business, and global society.
- Producing graduates with strong moral, resilient, leader-minded and superior based on their national identity.
- Objectives of the National Resilience Study Program
This Program has the main objective to produce Master of Science that have intellectual, religious, humanist, nationalist, democratic and fair personalities. Moreover, the objectives of the National Resilience Study Program are to
- Preparing professional staff who have the qualification of a Bachelor (S2) who has high integrity, is open, broad-minded, and has a reliable analytical power in the field of national resilience assessment.
- Creating a conducive academic atmosphere to produce graduates who are moral, skilled and creative.
- Building institutional togetherness so that the science of National Resilience can be utilized for the benefit of the development of society, nation, and State.
- The target of the National Resilience Study Program
With the mission and objectives as mentioned before, the target of organizing the National Resilience Study Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada are:
- To meeting human resource needs that are able to make a real contribution to the development of science in all fields both as researchers, educators and experts.
- To educate and produce a level 2 (S2) that has high integrity, is open, broad-minded, has reliable analysts, especially in the field of national resilience studies, so as to be able to contribute its energy and mind to the interests of the people of the nation.
- To produce concepts that are solutions to solving problems faced by the community.
- Excellence
The Study Program of the Graduate School of UGM is one of two study programs in Indonesia that develops national resilience science supported by a reliable and professional academic community, which since its establishment has collaborated with high state institutions, namely the Republic of Indonesia National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas RI ) and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemhan RI), and has developed cooperation with partner institutions both from domestic and abroad.
- Uniqueness
National Resilience Study Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada is an interdisciplinary and strategic study program, by developing knowledge related to the process of administering government and statehood to have national resilience to ensure the continuity of the existence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Competence obtained
Graduates' Main Competencies
The main competencies of graduates of this Program are as follows:- Able to describe the concepts of citizenship and disseminate the science of national resilience to the next generation of nations and countries.
- Able to conduct research to explore and develop national resilience science that can be scientifically accountable.
- Able to recognize problems in the life of the nation, and state, and provide solutions to these problems
- Able to continue the relay of national leadership to ensure the continued existence of the nation and state.
Graduates’ Supporting Competencies
The competencies supporting the graduates of this Program are as follows:
1. Able to integrate various scientific aspects which include ideology, politics, economics, socio-culture and defense security.
2. Able to examine problems in the community with a national resilience perspective.
3. Being able to explore and find problems in the community and provide solutions with a national resilience perspective.
4. Able to build communication and absorb people's aspirations based on the principles of democratic leadership.
Other competencies
The other competencies of graduates of this Program are able to build collaboration between higher education institutions and government in developing national resilience sciences.
i. Career Prospects
Graduates of this Study Program of the Graduate School of UGM can develop themselves as (1) Researchers in the framework of developing national resilience science, (2) Lecturers for Citizenship Education courses, and (3) Leaders in various community, government and military institutions.- List of Courses
The study program according to the 2018 Curriculum consists of (1) compulsory study program that applies to students in Regular Class and Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) Class, (2) elective courses specifically for the Regular and Kemenpora class and thesis. Compulsory courses of study program consist of 10 courses. Each of the compulsory courses has 3 credits. There are 8 elective courses for Regular Class with 2 credits each, with a total of 16 credits. Students are only required to take a maximum of 4 courses (8 credits) out of 8 courses (16 credits). The elective courses for Kemenpora class are 6 courses with 2 credits each, with a total of 12 credits. Students are only required to take 4 courses (8 credits) out of 6 courses (12 credits). Then students take the Thesis with 8 credits. The total number of credits is 46 credits.
Following are the course tables per semester.
Semester I courses (Compulsory)
SPSKN 6101
Wawasan Nusantara
SPSKN 6102
National Resilience: Theories
SPSKN 6103
Geopolitics and Natural Resources
SPSKN 6104
Demography and Human Resource
SPSKN 6105
Ideology, Nationalism and Politics of Identity
SPSKN 6106
Indonesian Politic and Regional Autonomy
SPSKN 6107
Politic Economy, Digital and Disruptive Innovation
Semester II courses
SPSKN 6108
Ethnicity, Multiculturalism, and Social Dynamics
SPSKN 6109
National Security
SPSKN 6110
Research Methodology
Take 3 out of 8 elective courses (adjusted per student admission path)
SPSKN 7120
Environment: Theories and Strategies
Elective (REGULAR)
SPSKN 7121
Management of Crisis, Risks and Disasters
Elective (REGULAR)
SPSKN 7122
Public Policy and Decision Making
Elective (REGULAR)
SPSKN 7123
Conflict: Theories and Management
Elective (REGULAR)
SPSKN 7124
Operation System and Research
Elective (REGULAR)
SPSKN 7128
Leading Change
Elective (KEMENPORA)
SPSKN 7129
Starts-Up & Entrepreneurship
Elective (KEMENPORA)
SPSKN 7130
E-Commerce & Business Models
Elective (KEMENPORA)
Semester III courses
SPSKN 6299
Take 1 out of 6 elective courses (adjusted per student admission path)
SPSKN 7225
Family Resilience
Elective (REGULAR)
SPSKN 7226
Food Security
Elective (REGULAR)
SPSKN 7227
Energy Security
Elective (REGULAR)
SPSKN 7231
Database Management System
Elective (KEMENPORA)
SPSKN 7232
System planning
Elective (KEMENPORA)
SPSKN 7233
Desktop, Web and Mobile Application Development
Elective (KEMENPORA)
Semester IV courses
SPSKN 6299
- Program Duration
This Study Program can be completed in 2 (two) years or 4 (four) semesters. If a student cannot complete within that time, it can be extended by 1 (one) year or 2 (two) semesters.
- Information for the current semester
Lecture registration is conducted in odd semesters every year.
- Tuition Fees
UKT (Rp) per Semester
IDR. 9.000.000
IDR. 15.000.000
Internasional Students
IDR. 29.000.000
- Special Entry Requirements
This Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada accepts students who are interested in getting scholarships from the Indonesian Ministry of Defense Republic of Indonesia, Ministry of Youth and Sports Republic of Indonesia, and National Defense Institution (Lemhanas) Republic of Indonesia. The criteria for selecting scholarship awardee from the three institutions have specific requirements as follows:
Specific requirements for prospective Kemhan R.I scholarship students (Based on the Telegram letter of the Director General of Defense, Ministry of Defense, ST / 01/2018 dated February 2, 2018):
- TNI Civil Servants of Ministry of Defense, has a good personality, with minimum status of the staffing group is Penda Tk. I / IIIb,
- TNI personnel have a bachelor's degree and have a minimum rank of First Lieutenant (Lettu) in their ranks.
- AKMIL graduates, TNI without undergraduate degree to be able to take part in the Kemhan selection must pass the AD, AL, AU, SESPIMPOL command staff school with the minimum rank Lieutenant Colonel (Lt. Col.).
Specific requirements for prospective Indonesian Lemhannas scholarship students (As per the letter from the Governor of Lemhannas RI, February 20, 2017):
- Indonesian citizen with a valid residence identity (KTP)
- Statement letter never involved in illegal action
- Duty-free letter/learning assignment letter from unit/institutions
- Statement not to receive scholarships from other sources
- The maximum age limit is 35 years, the minimum rank is Second Lieutenant (Letda) for TNI members, Ipda for Polri members, and Young Administrators (IIIA) for civil servants with a minimum work period of 2 years
- Minimum GPA of 3.00, Recommended by 2 people, TOEFL ITP minimum score of 500 and TPA Bappenas minimum score of 500, and curriculum vitae
Specific requirements for prospective Kemenpora RI scholarship students (Based on a circular from the Ministry of Youth and Sports dated March 22, 2017).
- Indonesian youth aged 20-28 years (usually as of July 1), proven by birth certificate.
- Youth activists, member or coordinator of youth organizations or youth-based society institutions, proven by a certificate/recommendation from the General Chair of the provincial /district/city DPP/DPD.
- Youth activists, have achievements in the fields of arts, sports, socio-culture, science and technology, and Imtaq, proven by minimum district/city level certificates
- Athletes with achievements, proven by a minimum gold medal/certificate at the National Sports Week (PON) level.
- Trainers who have a track record of assisting PON gold medalists or have national level training certificates, proven by a PON-trained certificate/gold medal
- Preferably for those who have never received a scholarship from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Republic of Indonesia.
- Health certificate issued by the Government General Hospital.
- Good behavior, proven by a police record.
- Drug-free, proven by a drug-free certificate issued by the National Narcotics Agency or Government General Hospital.
- Currently not related to another scholarship, proven by a statement.
- Currently not a State Civil Apparatus (PNS), proven by a statement.
- Eligibilities
- Undergraduate degree or equivalent from the same and/or related fields of science
- Transcript(s) with minimum GPA score:
- ≥ 2,50 (4 points scale) from an A accredited undergraduate program
- ≥ 2,75 (4 points scale) from for B accredited undergraduate program
- ≥ 3,00 (4 points scale) from for C accredited undergraduate program
- Accreditation certificate of undergraduate degree or equivalent. For foreign applicants, please submit Letter of Equivalent Foreign Diploma (Surat Keputusan Penyetaraan Ijazah Luar Negeri) from DIKTI.
- A valid Certificate of Academic Potential Test from one of the following institutions with minimum score 450:
- Academic Potential Test or Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) BAPPENAS
- Postgraduate Academic Potential Test or Tes Potensi Akdemik Pascasarjana (PAPs) UGM
- Academic Potential Ability Test or Tes Kemampuan Potensi Akademik (TKPA).
- A valid Certificate of English Proficiency Test:
- Academic English Proficiency Test (AcEPT) UGM, with score ≥ 149, or
- International English Testing System (IELTS) from IDP accredited institutions with score ≥ 4,0 or
- Internet-Based (iBT) TOEFL from, IIEF accredited institutions with score ≥ 30 or
- Institutional Testing Program (ITP) TOEFL from IIEF accredited institutions with score ≥ 400 or,
- Test of English Proficiency (TOEP) from DIKTI accredited Indonesian Test Service Center or Pusat Layanan Tes Indonesia (PLTI) for lecturer certification with score ≥ 26
- Confidential letter of recommendation from 2 (two) people from previous program study, preferably Academic Advisor or Office Supervisor. The link to provide online recommendations will be sent by the UGM Enrollment Committee to recommendation providers via email.
- Health certificate from doctor at licensed hospital or clinic.
- Specific Requirements:
- Applicants projection in following the postgraduate program at UGM containing reason, expectation, plan of research topic, and plans after graduated (the form can be downloaded here).
- Research proposal
- Study permit from the institution where applicants work
- Register
For registration procedure, please click
- Important Dates
Selection Schedule for Applicants, please click
- Further Information or Contacts
Gedung PAU-UGM, Jl. Teknika Utara, Barek, Yogyakarta
(0274)543771, 564239