Bank and non-bank financial institution (NBFI) are institutions with strategic role to support economic development in a country, Indonesia included. The role of bank and NBFI embodies in financial intermediation between over-finance and low-finance institutions. The swiftly intermediation processes create possibility for financial transaction which in time will activate real economy activity in the community. Therefore obstacle on intermediation in time will decrease real economy activity. A significance economy development should be done to increase community welfare. This will happen if the economy development gained from investment improvement which create job vacancy, therefore the financial distribution will be equal among the community. These investments financing mostly come from bank and NBFI.
Entrepreneurship scale which empirically proved able to absorb human recourse is small and micro entrepreneurship (SME). Even each SME only able to absorb limited human resource, accumulatively the human resource is a lot more than the middle and big entrepreneurship. SME also insensitive to economy fluctuation, especially external shocks. This conditions not only happen in Indonesia but also in other undeveloped countries. This phenomenon makes Bank of Indonesia as Indonesian monetary authority to take some steps to support the banking institutions to increase the SME financing with various entrepreneurship and locations. Bank of Indonesia steps fundamentally in the same direction with government policy to increase community capability with Community Capability National Program (CCNP). One scene the government and banking institutions completed is Community Entrepreneurship Credit (CEC). Banks supported to give more credits to SME with government guarantee on Supplementary and Amended National Budget (SANB). In fact the CEC debtors increases which mean the CEC access on bank’s credits also increase, beside there are regular credits. NBFI proved to have an important role in supporting CEC entrepreneurships in various locations and fullfill the community consumption. Eventhough the bank and NBFI know there are a lot of obstacles on giving credits for the CEC, whether in its marketing, procedures, nursing and other technical operational aspects. Therefore the Post-Graduate School held a national seminat to discuss various problems on these terms and create the solutions.
Objectives This national seminar aims are:
Participants Contricution
Fee for each participant is Rp. 100.000,-
Registration and fee payment
Fill the registration form and send to Post-Graduate School of GMU through (pick one):
Fax : (0274) 564239, 547861
Email :
Mail : Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta, 55281
Fee payment:
Transfer to BNI branch UGM on account of Post-Graduate School of GMU Director No. 0039227315
Registration will be close on July 10th 2009