The theme "Water for Share Prosperity" in this forum discusses 6 priority issues including, (1) Water Security and Prosperity, (2) Water for Humans and Nature, (3) Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, (4) Governance, Cooperation and Hydro -diplomacy, (5) Sustainable Water Finance, and (6) Knowledge and Innovation. This issue is very fundamental to be studied so that it has triggered worldwide attention regarding sanitation which is an enabler across sectors such as governance, science and technology, innovation, financing and investment, cooperation and partnerships, policy development, circular economy, education and capacity building.
Gadjah Mada University's Postgraduate School (SPs) with interdisciplinary scientific fields fully supports effective policy direction regarding world water and sanitation governance. Prof. Dr. Eko Haryono, M.Sc., Chief of the Environmental Science Doctoral Study Program and Prof. Ir. Joko Sujono, M.Eng., Ph.D., lecturer at the Master of Disaster Management Master Program also participated as a representative from SPs. Prof. Dr. Eko Haryono, M.Si., delivered his presentation regarding Ground Water and Livelihoods in the Sewu Mountains which stretches across three different regions starting from Gunung Kidul Regency (DI. Yogyakarta Province), Wonogiri Regency (Central Java Province) to Pacitan Regency (Java Province East). Meanwhile, Prof. Ir. Joko Sujono, M.Eng., Ph.D., delivered a presentation on Water Resources Conservation in the Context of Climate Change. The presentation delivered by representatives of SPs lecturers was an examination of the general challenges of world sanitation, namely climate change, population growth, urbanization, energy crisis, and land and air pollution.
Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, M.P.A., Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment of the Republic of Indonesia said that Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved by ensuring universal access to water and sanitation by 2030 by considering the role of water in driving economic growth and prosperity.
The culmination of the World Water Forum process, which consists of political process, thematic process and regional process, is coordinated as a diversification of actions and implementation of water management with the aim of shared prosperity through integrated management, continuous innovation, the latest technology, active participation, sharing of interests and local wisdom.
This activity is in line with pillar 3 SDGs good health and prosperity, pillar 6 SDGs access to clean water and sanitation, pillar 7 SDGs clean and affordable energy, and pillar 13 SDGs handling climate change
Tags: #WWF #worldsanitation #SDGs3 #SDGs6 #SDGs7 #SDGs13
Author: Siti Muyasaroh