Discussion: “Christian-Islamic Dialog in Austria's Foreign Policy”
November 3, 2008
If you are interested in the topic of Christian-Islamic Dialog in Austria's Foreign Policy, you may join CRCS&ICRS Wednesday Forum. The speaker will be Dr. Elisabeth karamat, an Austrian Diplomat. She is currently working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(DEPLU) of Indonesia in Jakarta in the context of an exchange program of diplomats between Indonesia and Austria. The Wednesday forum will be held on:
Date : Wednesday, 5 November 2008
Time : 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm(free lunch)
Venue : Room 306, UGM Graduate School, Jln. Teknika Utara Pogung
Speaker : Dr. Elisabeth Karamat
This was the topic of her dissertation in Law and Religions/University of Vienna, Austria and of her booked published in 2007. The topic is certain ambivalence in the foreign policy of a State such as Austria . On the one hand State representatives and other actors in foreign policy often characterize the interfaith dialog as a too theological approach to be of concrete value for conflict solution. On the other hand these actors growingly qualify conflicts as being of religious or ethno-religious origin. A frank and inclusive interfaith dialog will quickly recognize its own limits, when dealing with political motivations, realities of social structures and unequal distribution of wealth in this world. Interfaith dialogue can nevertheless support foreign policy or even function as a conflict prevention mechanism, if it bears in mind its limits.
The forum is free of charge and on a first-come-first basis.
Contact person:
Maufur ipung (ICRS): maufur_nd@yahoo.com
Mustaghfiroh Rahayu (CRCS): mth.rahayu@gmail.com