CRCS&ICRS Wednesday Forum: Beyond Toleration Managing Religion in Civil Society reflections on challenges in New Zealand and Indonesia

CRCS&ICRS mengundang anda untuk menghadiri Wednesday Forum. Dr. Simon Rae, dosen tamu di CRCS, akan menjadi pembicara Wednesday Forum. Beliau akan mempresentasikan papernya yang berjudul Beyond Toleration  Managing Religion in Civil Society  reflections on challenges in New Zealand and Indonesia. Wednesday forum akan dilaksanakan pada:

Tanggal: Rabu, 15 October 2008
Jam: 12.30 - 2.30
Tempat: Ruang 306, Lantai 3, Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM. Jln. Teknika Utara Pogung Yogyakarta

Simon Rae pertama kali datang ke Indonesia bersama istri dan keluarganya pada tahun 1972. Sekarang secara resmi beliau telah �pensiun�. Simon melakukan kontrak mengajar untuk Otago University dan beliau terlibat dalam sejumlah program-program internasional �the Asia Bible Commentary series (buku tafsiran), sejarah agama Kristen di Indonesia dan beliau baru saja menerjemahkan buku Professor Karel Steenbrink's �De Jezusverzen in de Koran� (2006) untuk diterbitkan di India.

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Di bawah ini merupakan diskripsi singkat tentang paper yang akan dipresentasikan pada Wednesday Forum.

Topic: �Beyond Toleration � Managing Religion in Civil Society � reflections on challenges in New Zealand and Indonesia�.

In today�s world many people call for a wider toleration of ethnic, political and religious differences. While toleration is always better than conflict and tension, this paper will argue that we can go one step further, and learn from each other and to enjoy each other�s friendship. We can be companions on our journey through life, neighbours and supporters in times of difficulty and challenge.

The paper will look at the role of government and religion in New Zealand and in Indonesia, two very different societies, and will look to the recent and more distant past for examples of religious communities living side by side � if not in perfect harmony at least in a friendship that was more than toleration.