Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM mengundang mahasiswa baru program studi Multidisiplin tahun Akademik 2008/2009 untuk menghadiri kuliah umum yang akan diselenggarakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal: Senin, 15 September 2008
Pukul: 10:00-12:00 WIB
Tempat: Ruang Seminar Lantai V Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM.
Acara: Pidato Ilmiah oleh Prof. Merle C. Ricklefs, B.A., Ph.D., FAHA (Departement of History, National University of Singapore)
Dibawah ini merupakan daftar susunan acara
- Pembukaan
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-Direktur ICRS-Yogyakarta (Prof. Dr. Bernard Adeney-Risakotta)
-Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM (Prof. Dr. Irwan Abdullah)
-Wakil Rektor Senior Bidang P3M UGM (Prof. Dr. Retno S. Sudibyo., Apt)
- Pidato Ilmiah dengan judul: Islamisation and its opponents in Indonesia: How Past and Present Compare” oleh Prof. Merle C. Ricklefs, B.A., Ph.D., FAHA. (Departement of History, National University of Singapore)
- Doa
- Penutup
Penerimaan tamu diakhiri pukul 09:45
Mahasiswa baru pria memakai dasi, putri menyesuaikan.
Untuk Informasi lebihlanjut silahkan menghubungi:
Ingrid (Graduate School): +62 274 520318
Maufur (ICRS-Yogya): +62 274 562570
Lina (CRCS):+62 274 544976
Dibawah ini merupakan abstract dari Islamisation and its opponents in Indonesia: How Past and Present Compare”,
The Islamisation of the Javanese is a process that has been going on at
least since the 14th century, with many twists and turns to the story.
From the point of view of those who have promoted deeper Islamisation,
there has been both progress and opposition. This history is the
subject of a series of three books by Merle Ricklefs. The first two have been published: Mystic synthesis in Java: A history of Islamisation from the 14th to the early 19th centuries (2006) and Polarising Javanese society: Islamic and other visions, c. 1830-1930 (2007). Research on the period since the 1930s is ongoing, with the current focus on the period since c. 1998.
The variety of Islamic styles in Java is complex and the social,
political and cultural dynamics more complicated than simple categories can suggest. Comparing the past – especially after the mid-nineteenth century, when social polarisation and conflict emerged over issues of religious identity – with the events of the last decade suggests a number of parallels and contrasts that may help us to understand current dynamics.
In his talk, Professor Ricklefs will explore these parallels and
consider what light they may shed on contemporary affairs in Indonesia .
Professor Merle Ricklefs is Professor in the Department of History,
NUS. He gained his PhD from Cornell University and has held appointments at The School of Oriental and African Studies, Monash University , and All Souls College . He was Director of the Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies at the Australian National University (1993-8) and subsequently Professor of Asian Studies and foundation Director of the Melbourne Institute of Asian Languages and Societies at the University of Melbourne (1998-2005).
Professor Ricklefs is a scholar of the history and current affairs of
Indonesia . He is currently writing a series of 3 volumes on the history of the Islamisation of Javanese society from the 14th century to the present, the first two of which have been published: Mystic synthesis in Java (2006) and Polarising Javanese society (2007). He has authored and edited several major books and many book chapters and refereed articles, as well as contributing to newspapers and radio broadcasts. He is on the editorial advisory boards of History Today and Studia Islamika, is Southeast Asia editor for the 3rd edition of the Encyclopaedia of Islam (16 vols.) and co-edits the Southeast Asia series of Handbuch der Orientalistik. He has held several major competitive research grants.
He is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and was
until recently member of the Australian National Commission for UNESCO. He was a founding member of the Australian Foreign Affairs Council. In 2003 he was awarded a Centenary Medal by the Government of Australia for service to Australian society and the humanities in the study of Indonesia .
His books include:
Jogjakarta under Sultan Mangkubumi, 1749–1792: A history of the
division of Java. London Oriental Series, vol. 30. London : Oxford
University Press, 1974.
(co-authored with P. Voorhoeve) Indonesian manuscripts in Great Britain
: A catalogue of manuscripts in Indonesian languages in British public
collections. London Oriental Bibliographies, vol. 5. Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 1977.