Interests Study Peace and Conflict Resolution Master Program
Established in 2001, the Masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution (MPRK) of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is the first postgraduate program that focuses on peace and conflict studies in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The curriculum is oriented towards increasing the capacity of communities, institutions, and individuals in non-violent conflict management. MPRK UGM believes that conflict will not lead to violence if it is handled properly, and therefore will not cause infrastructure damage, social relations degradation, psychological trauma and death.
MPRK UGM supports students to recognize the conditions and factors that underlie peace and social violence and equips them with guidance on the theory and practice of conflict resolution. This program is well suited for anyone who is interested in improving knowledge and skills in conflict resolution such as religious leaders, NGO activists, businessman, teachers, journalists, government officials, police, and fresh graduates.MPRK Vision
Become the leading master program of peace and conflict resolution at the national and international level in responding to the need for contribution to the various challenges of conflicts in society at various levels.MPRK Mission
- Organizing high quality education in the field of peace and conflict resolution thus able to respond to the conflict management in the community
- Conducting sustainable research to improve the quality of peace and conflict resolution studies
- contributing actively to the latest ideas for peaceful conflict resolution at national and international levels
List of Courses
Mandatory Courses
SPSRK 6001
The Scope of Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies
SPSRK 6102
Human Security
SPSRK 6115
The Philosophy of Conflict Resolution
SPSRK 6116
Conflict Management I
SPSRK 6212
Social Research Methods
SPSRK 6221
Conflict Management II
SPSRK 6222
Policy Analysis and Decision Making
SPSRK 6299
Elective courses
Semester I (2 elective courses)
Semester II (3 elective courses)
1SPSRK 7118
Strategical Analysis
SPSRK 7103
Law and Conflict Resolution
SPSRK 7117
Industrial Conflict
SPSRK 7119
Relationships between Government Institutions
SPSRK 7127
Political Economy Use of Natural Resources
SPSRK 7208
Police and Policing
SPSRK 7210
Ethnicity and National Integration
SPSRK 7225
Agrarian Problems and Social Change
SPSRK 7226
Secession and Insurgency Movement
Learning Outcomes
MPRK tries to design, compile and implement an academic curriculum based on Outcome Based Education (OBE). Therefore, in preparing the substance of learning outcomes and curriculum structure, MPRK prioritizes the principles of Outcome Based Education (OBE). All existing curriculum instruments including the subjects contain content that not only enhances students cognition aspect but also their skill. If reviewed deeper, each course offered by MPRK has four elements of academic achievement that are diverse and important in realizing the principles of the Outcome Base Education (OBE) as a whole.
In terms of developing attitudes, MPRK has designed courses that are not only knowledgeable and practical. It also focuses so that each subject becomes supporting instrument for students to develop their attitude, especially as a scholar engaged in issues of peace and conflict resolution. Tolerance and non-violence values towards all God's creations are basic concepts that must be possessed by MPRK students, so the students can become agents of peace by upholding the commitment to critical thinking and lifelong learning processes. MPRK puts forward the attainment of attitudes according to the needs that actually exist in society.
In terms of cognitive excellence, MPRK tries to arrange a systematic curriculum structure that was easy for students to follow. In this matter, there are three main things that become MPRK's priorities, namely, (1) mastery of basic concepts of peace and conflict resolution, (2) mastery of peace analysis and conflict resolution methods, and (3) mastery of substantive issues regarding peace and conflict resolution. Therefore, if reviewed more specifically, the entire course offered by MPRK is in the three classification areas. Through this, students are expected to be facilitated in an effort to achieve a comprehensive mastery of peace and conflict resolution knowledge. The substantive issues of peace and conflict resolution offered were also part of MPRK's efforts to form students who will develop special characteristics and attitudes compared to students in peace and conflict studies at other institutions.Knowledge
Three priority learning outcomes in the aspect of mastery of knowledge through the structure of the curriculum offered are:- Mastering the basic concepts of peace and conflict resolution.
- Mastering peace analysis and conflict resolution methods.
- Mastering substantive issues of peace and conflict resolution
There are two results of learning in the general skills offered by MPRK through the existing curriculum structure, namely:- The ability to facilitate the emergence of community peace aspirations.
- The ability to develop multicultural, multidimensional, multiregional and multisectoral cooperation initiatives,.
Whereas in terms of learning outcomes in aspects of special skills, the MPRK curriculum is designed to create graduates who are able to:
- Identify interpersonal and intergroup conflicts
- Design contextual interventions
- Facilitate peacebuilding education
Two priority attitude learning outcomes of MPRK in supporting the capacity and quality of students are:- Developing tolerance, non-violence and sustainability towards all God's creations.
- Developing the commitment to critical thinking and lifelong learning processes.
Job Perspectives / Career Opportunities / Career Prospects
The MPRK Masters Program at the Postgraduate School of Gadjah Mada University prepares students to work and lead in various fields. Alumni obtain special knowledge in managing conflicts and building peace and justice at the national and international level. In addition, this program also prepares students for research and teaching that become the qualification when applying for doctoral studies in studies related to Peace and the R & K resolution .Program Duration
Study at MPRK UGM can be completed in 3 semesters (18 months) or 4 semesters (24 months) , which are divided into 2 semesters of lectures and 1 semester of thesis writing. The total credit load, including the thesis, is 45 credits. The degree obtained by MPRK graduates is Master of Science (M.Sc.)Program Structure
Semester I August - December
Lecture periode
Semester II
February – July
Lecturer periode
Semester III
August – finished
Thesis writing
Semester IV
October, January, April, July
Tuition fees
Registration Fee of Rp. 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand rupiahs).
Single Tuition (UKT) of Rp. 9,000,000.00 per semester including tuition fees and graduation feesScholarship
For more scholarship information, please visit the following link requirement
Registration requirements can be seen in
Beside Online registration, student candidates are required to contact MPRK staff and send the copies of posted online requirements to MPRK Office at 3rd Floor of Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM Building Room 302 Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta.How to register
The registration guideline can be seen in the following link: Dates
The academic calendar of Gadjah Mada University in 2018/2019 can be viewed and downloaded via the following link:
Questions and Contacts
Masters in Peace and Conflict Resolution
UGM Graduate School Building lt. 3 Room 302
Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung, Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia