Heri Wiranto was born in Kebumen on November 23, 1967. Since childhood, Heri had a strong desire to study at UGM, but at the age of 22, he decided to pursue education at the Military Academy. For 36 years, Heri has dedicated himself to a career in the Indonesian Army (TNI AD). With many experiences gained throughout his career in the TNI AD, he now holds the position of Deputy for Domestic Political Coordination at the Coordinating Ministry for Politics, Law, and Security of the Republic of Indonesia.
Heri's desire to study at UGM never faded. In 2020, Heri Wiranto successfully obtained a scholarship from the Indonesian Army to pursue a doctoral program at UGM. The Leadership and Policy Innovation (KIK) Program at the Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University (SPs UGM) became the place for Heri to fulfill his dream of studying at UGM. For 3 years, 11 months, and 21 days, Heri Wiranto successfully graduated fromĀ the doctorate program with a GPA of 3.97 and participated in the Graduation Ceremony for the Graduate Program of Period III of the 2023/2024 Academic Year.
In his speech as a representative of the graduates on Wednesday (24/04), Heri Wiranto admitted that it was very challenging for him to pursue his doctoral studies while carrying out his duties in a fairly demanding ministry. With the support of his closest people, dedication, discipline, and strong determination, Heri managed to complete his doctoral education even though he was approaching retirement age. Heri's only motivation in achieving a doctoral degree is to motivate his children to pursue higher education.
Heri's dissertation topic is on the performance of the Indonesian Military in dealing with non-military threats with a case study on the handling of non-natural disasters such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Heri explained that the performance of TNI assignments is influenced by leadership, organization, and management determinants. The leadership of the TNI Commander is directed towards achieving effectiveness in carrying out Covid-19 assistance tasks. The involvement of the TNI in handling Covid-19 is not entirely as a form of military intervention in civilian affairs. The TNI remains strong in professionalism in assisting assignments because the situation in the Covid-19 pandemic is declared as national emergency status.
"The knowledge gained during my studies in the KIK Study Program is very beneficial and correlates with tasks both in the TNI structure and the ministry. I am very grateful to my dissertation promotor for providing me with an understanding of leadership at the policy level in the ministry," said Heri in an interview session (24/04).
Heri emphasizes that his success in obtaining a doctoral degree is intended to practice the religious teaching that seeking knowledge must be pursued relentlessly. Heri also wants to continue to disseminate his knowledge and experiences for the next generation. Heri's desire is to realize this by becoming a lecturer at the end of his tenure.