Seminar Room 5th Floor
The Graduate School UGM
(Free of Charge)
When he was a student in Sorbone University France, Dr. Nasir Tamara, DEA, DESS,
a correspondence for a media in Indonesia, witnessed how the Iran revolution,
Pebruary 1st 1979 happened. His experience of having a flight in the same plane
with Ayatollah Khomeini from France to Iran on the day of revolution has been
excitingly written in his phenomenal book,
Revolusi Iran (1980). This
book influenced the way of thinking some of Indonesian student activists in the
New Order Era to challenge the implementation of single principal in all organizations
by the State.
Dr. Nasir Tamara is now officiate the General Chairman of the International Association
of Indonesian Scientist (Ikatan Ilmuwan Indonesia Internasional /I-4). He has
just published his newest book
Indonesia Rising: Islam, Democracy and the
Rise of Indonesia as a Major Power (Singapore, 2009). As the former member
of the National Research Council (DRN), he has been writing, editing and translating
about 20 books on International Relations, Media, Human Development and Islam.
Currently Dr. Nasir Tamara guest lecturer at Gadjah Mada University while completing
a new book on the National Security Strategy and also about Yogyakarta. Previously
he was Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asia (ISEAS), Singapore
and also at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He has taught at the School
of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London and became a Research
Fellow at Harvard and Oxford University. UNDP appointed him as Senior Advisor
for Human Development and the achievement of MDG's.
The Graduate School UGM arranges 3 series of public lecture with him with the
following schedule:
Islam and Democracy: Understanding Middle East Revolution
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Time: 10.00-12.00
Media and Revolution: the Role of ICT, New Media and Social Media
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Time: 10.00-12.00
The Age of Pacific: The Rise of China, India and its Implications Toward
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Time: 10.00-12.00
Limited to only 200 participants on early bird registration basis
Registration will be closed one day before the day of lecture
To register please contact:
1. Nugroho Sukarno
2. Arni Wistriatun
Academic staff. 1 st Floor
The Graduate School UGM
Telp. +62274 544975 or +62274 564239